A few weeks ago we got to get away on a girls trip! It was a much needed time away from all my normal responsibilities, for sure! I went with my Mom and two sister-in-laws to spend time away exploring and enjoying being together in the oldest city in America – St. Augustine. We learned a lot about the city’s history in our short visit, and I loved capturing the architecture and views.
We learned lots through our little trolley tour of the city, but one of the things that stuck with me was the fact that when Martin Luther King Jr. would come to visit, they would have to hide him in different houses every night to avoid aggressors knowing where he was staying. And the city was originally a Spanish colony and holds much of its architecture this, as well.
One of my favorite parts, though, was the food! I loved finding new restaurants to try and new foods I normally wouldn’t pick. It was a definite luxury not to worry about getting home for nap times, having enough diapers and snacks, or worrying about losing a kiddo constantly.
And we couldn’t go to the beach without capturing some maternity pictures for my sister-in-law! Enjoy some highlights from our trip!