

Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids

June 1, 2020

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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Spring family portraits are always some of my favorites each year with the budding flowers and all the green coming back. So much new life, the delicate branches reflecting the light, and the joy of welcoming the warmer days bring so much joy! Its always my most favorite to find a large blossoming tree or bush, and since this year’s Spring sessions were pushed back due to Covid-19 we didn’t get as many. But I still love all the Spring atmosphere we had at my favorite Spring park – Fly’n B Park in Littleton.

I’ve had the privilege of knowing the Mathis family four about 4 years since we moved back to Colorado and met them through our church. I have loved watching their kiddos grow and love the way Chad and Estelle always have a peaceful, warm atmosphere surrounding them. We took a parenting class together a couple years ago and I learned so much just from the questions they asked and the experiences they shared parenting their kids who are just a little beyond where we are now. I’m so thankful to know families like theirs and I was so honored when Estelle asked me to capture their family this Spring!

And their kids couldn’t have been easier to photograph! They didn’t care at all when I said to laugh off to their side! I love their attitudes and especially the affection they have for their parents.

We had a beautiful evening for their portraits! Fly’n B Park has the most amazing trail surrounded by tall, budding trees. I love the way it frames the path and makes it a perfect spot for portraits! Enjoy some of my favorites from their Spring family portraits!

Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids preteen girl portraits Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids boy portraits Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids Littleton Spring family pictures with big kids

See another Spring family session here!

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