
How to Pose Yourself to Look Thinner

posing so you look thinner

June 4, 2020

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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When I was first getting started with photography, I KNEW that there had to be guidelines for posing that would flatter people and make you like portraits of yourself. For a long time it was just guess work until I began to study what pictures I liked of myself and what pictures I didn’t. Along with that I also took posing courses that helped me understand lots of ways that you pose and frame portraits for the most flattering look for anyone, no matter your size and shape.

So today I’m sharing how you can pose yourself in pictures to look your thinnest! And there really are just a few rules you can follow. Whenever you face yourself square to the camera with no bent joints you’re going to find that you look wider than you actually do! So to pose yourself to look thinner, follow these three simple steps!

  1. Turn your feet and body 45 degrees away from the camera (this twists your body to the slimmest angle it can be to the view of the camera)
  2. Bend the knee that is closest to the camera (this also pushes the hips away from the camera and makes your waist appear smaller)
  3. Bring your arms away from your body (this keeps your upper arm from pressing against your body making it appear wider than it actually is)


You can see an example of me in our backyard (normally I wouldn’t ever share the image on the left, you can see how UN-flattering it is!) but you can see these three rules applied on the right (and that image I definitely WOULD use!).

Isn’t it crazy how a few simple rules will help you love yourself in photos so much more? This applies to any type of picture of yourself regardless if its your phone camera or a fancy camera.

posing so you look thinner

Here are some more examples of some gorgeous ladies with variations on these same steps!

headshots women business headshots women's headshots

Looking for more educational resources? Check out this post for planning wedding day timelines!

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