
Colorado Family Photographer | VanOvermeiren Family

Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures

October 8, 2019

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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Its been almost four years since we moved back to Colorado from Virginia, and I knew just as soon as we knew where we would be living that I wanted to connect with other moms in our local MOPS group. It has been such an amazing place to meet other women, be encouraged by new friends, and have the opportunity to encourage and bless others. If you’re a momma looking to connect and have a chance to have a morning break with other mommas, go check out your local MOPS group!

I got to meet sweet Brenna through this same MOPS group, and so loved getting to know her a little better before our paths went different ways. Two years ago I got to capture her sweet family, and I was so honored to be asked to capture her family again this Fall.  But this time her extended family, too! What’s extra fun about this session is that it took place in the same location two years later. I love seeing families grow and change, and its never more obvious then when we use the same location!

Brenna’s family are all Colorado natives and her parents still live in the same house Brenna and her brother grew up in in Denver. I can only imagine all the many stored up memories their home holds after all the years of life its held! And her brother is a fire fighter. I’m always so impressed with fireman and their stamina and bravery. Bryant told me a little of what its like to be up multiple times a night on calls. I could only think of the times I’m up multiple times a night with my babies and what a zombie I am the next day! Bryant, I am so thankful for your service and your stamina to serve as you do!

Enjoy some of my favorites from their extended family session from this last weekend! What a beautiful and fun evening we had together (especially as we had to reschedule their session from the crazy Colorado wind we had the week previous)!

Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall picturesCastle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures Castle Rock family photographer Fall pictures

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