
The Yost Family Fall Pictures | Colorado Family Photographer

Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures

October 10, 2019

I’m Laura.
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Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures

I remember meeting Andrea for the first time at our church’s women’s Bible study on a Tuesday morning. Her sweet demeanor and kindness was so welcoming, and I especially remember being impressed when she invited our whole group of ladies and their kids (a good thirty of us or so!) to her home for lunch following Bible study one morning. I just loved her sweet, calm enthusiasm for sharing her home, her life, and her faith with other moms and kids. And watching her from a distance mothering her four little darlings (though they’re not so very little anymore!) has been such an inspiration for me as I daily am learning more and more about being a mother of four, too!

What’s even more fun is that Andrea’s husband, Eric, works in the same office as my husband. I can tell they are two minds that think alike which totally makes sense for two engineers! And another fun fact is how they have 3 girls and one boy, just opposite our family with 3 boys and 1 girl. The dynamics they shared had me smiling and laughing their whole session!

My favorite part of the Yost family’s session was watching their kindness towards each other and affection they share with each other. I have so many favorites from their session it was hard to narrow down some highlights to share with you here! Despite the cool evening we had, it had the most gorgeous light. Andrea brought together their outfits so well with light colors, which makes it all the more stunning when you see all their blue eyes! Truly such a joy to capture this bunch, I hope you enjoy some of my many favorites!!

Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures Parker Colorado Family bright fall pictures

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