
Castle Rock Family Photography | Adeline’s 18 Month Portraits

March 6, 2018

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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My bitty is 18 months old now! I know its cliche and you hear it all the time, but boy the last 18 months have gone by quickly! In fact, its almost a blur with our third little munchkin and I’m very much behind on writing in her little baby book. Here are some highlights from the last six months:

  • She started walking the week of her first birthday
  • She got her first haircut just this past week (actually right after her 18 month portraits were taken) and I can’t believe how much older she looks just with a little trim!
  • This last month she has started talking like crazy, one of the most helpful has been when she tells me her diaper is poopy, haha!
  • She loves to try and put on clothes (doesn’t matter whose) and wears them around her neck (its hysterical when she walks out with underwear on her head)
  • she’s finally got “mommy” and “daddy” down and has stopped calling us by the wrong name
  • one of her favorite activities is running around the dining room table with her brothers, their giggles and laughs warm my heart like no other. I wish I could bottle up the moment to savor anytime.
  • she got all four of her big molars within a few weeks of each other. Lets just say January was a tough month on everybody!

Our little Adeline is such a joy and we’re so proud to be her parents. I’m treasuring watching her grow and learn so much!

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