
Dawson’s Butte Family Portraits | Smith Family

October 22, 2017

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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Tamara and her darling family came straight from their son’s school to meet me at Dawson’s Butte for portraits, so naturally they had a little getting ready to do before we started pictures. And let me tell you these kiddos kept getting cuter and cuter as they got out of the car with their perfectly coordinating outfits, and those shoes!? Tamara, you sure know how to pick outfits!

We not only had some gorgeous weather, but the sun was so perfect to capture some glow in their portraits!

Tamara is an amazing momma, but she’s also a fellow photographer as well as owning her own boutique! She’s truly a supermom and so inspiring! And her and Derek have done one awesome job of raising their littles – the most polite kiddos I’ve met in a long time! Little Tatum even offered to carry my things for me as we moved around for pictures, such a gentleman!

Tamara, it was truly a joy and an honor to be chosen to photograph your darling family! I hope these pictures wrap up some moments for you to carry with you always as you watch your sweet littles grow! They are such a treasure!

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