
Seventeen Mile House Fall Portraits | Counts Family

October 20, 2017

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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I waved as they drove up into the parking lot and found a spot in the sea of cars. It was a gorgeous Fall day with plentiful sunshine and no shortage of other groups taking pictures, too!

The Counts family all piled out, hair beautifully styled and smiles at the ready for their first ever professional portraits. Its always so exciting to meet new friends, especially those that are so eager and excited for their session!

“Hi I’m Pyper! And when I grow up I want to be a photographer!” Pyper, their second oldest, so politely introduced herself to me.

“You do!? That’s awesome! You’re going to love it, its so fun!”, I responded. And I realized I meant that will all my heart. I love being able to take portraits and capture people and light and the beauty around us in slivers of moments. And as I learn and hone my craft even more, it becomes all the more fun!

Ana, it was such a pleasure to meet your amazing family and spend an evening with you all! I hope your very first experience with professional pictures was amazing and memorable! And I hope that Pyper gets to fulfill her photography dreams!

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