Do you have a stack of books for reading? My husband and I both have a stack of 5-10 books at any given time that we’re working through. Christmas blessed me with a stack of books I can’t wait to read. And in the midst of that pile is a number of library books I’ve gathered (and keep renewing because I never seem to have enough time to read them as quickly as I like!). My current book is one that my husband recommended to me as I seek to have a better mind for business. Its titled The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman. Its been great resource for me since I feel like I have a great deal to learn in the department of running a business! I came across this story that has really stuck with me. When I mentioned it to my hubby, he says “Oh yeah, you’ve never heard that story before?!” as if to say, everyone knows that story! Apparently I am even more ill-educated in this department than I thought. But maybe you are like me and have never heard it before. If so, leave me a comment so I know I’m not alone! Otherwise you can just enjoy it again, you well-educated person you 🙂 This story is a parable that apparently has been around a long time with no apparent orginal source. So please enjoy Josh Kaufman’s paraphrase of this parable below!
In a world that is so bent on getting ahead, on making more money, on being successful – it was so refreshing to be reminded of the things that matter to us most. Your closest relationships and the opportunity to enjoy them. I was surprised to find this in the middle of a book about running a successful business. Success does not necessarily equate to earning lots of money, but rather being able to do what you love to do. I’m so thankful to have the opportunity to what I love to do – which is photography! And I know that opportunity is only because of God who has allowed all the right circumstances to come together that I have the time and ability that I do! Blessings on your own pursuits of success – in doing what you love to do!
I have heard this parable before but loved reading it again! Thank you for sharing this. It is very timely for me and a great reminder to keep life simply focused on God and the people around me. God bless you! Hugs!
Oh I’m so glad! Thank you! Blessings to you, too!
I’ve never heard that, I love it! 🙂 (And you aren’t alone! 😉 )
Yay, I’m not alone! Makes me feel better, Jess! 🙂