
A Few of My Favorite Things

January 5, 2017

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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So here we are at the beginning of a brand new year! I love the way endings and new beginnings call to mind where we’ve been and where we’re going. Looking back on this past year I’ve seen myself grow so much in my photography skills and experiences. This past year has seen us as a family settle into our very first home, making new friends, and experiencing new things as a family. What a joy it is to watch my kiddos grow (and us alongside them!).

And I’m so thankful to see the growth I’ve had as a photographer! Sometimes its easy to stay the same and think we’re ok. But ok isn’t good enough! I want to be able to look back every year and see that I’m not who I once was – that I’ve changed for the better and allowed God to work in me in all areas of life.

 So I’m pressing on to be all that I can be, growing in the skills God has given me.  I love that each year reminds us of the opportunity to look back at where we’ve been and get excited about what’s next. So as I sit here pondering my goals for the coming year in all aspects of life, here is a look back at some of my favorite images from this past year. Thank you to ALL of the families and friends who entrusted me with the opportunity to capture them this year! Your support means everything to me as I grow! 

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  1. Stephanie Wolfgang says:

    FANTASTIC! You are the best!!!!!

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