
Sunset Family Pictures | Gustafson Family

sunset family pictures in Castle Rock

June 13, 2023

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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Sunset family pictures are my absolute favorite. Warm evening light combined with lots of sunshine make for the ideal setting for beautiful light in a beautiful setting. I couldn’t have asked for prettier light for the Gustafson family’s summer pictures! Add all their gorgeous smiles and laughter and it was a recipe for perfection.

I first got to meet Tammy and her family through our MOPS program at our church and got to know their kiddos more through our Awana program at church, too. Their darling kids are such a joy to be around and getting to spend the evening with them all was such a treat!

Dawsons Butte is one of my favorite locations for pictures and I used every one of my favorite spots there for their session. I loved their enthusiasm and trust in me as I directed them throughout. Enjoy some of my many favorites!!

I hope you loved viewing these sunset family pictures in Castle Rock! Be sure to check out this session, too!

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