Laura’s hands were full when she knocked on my door, arms loaded with the most precious cargo – her baby boy and a backpack filled with all the baby necessities like diapers, clothes, and (most importantly, sometimes!, food). You can go no where with a baby boy without food! Her hair was beautifully curled and her smile, as always, contagious! She was ready for her family portraits! And the Fall weather in Castle Rock couldn’t have been more perfect for it!
We decided to meet at my house where we would walk just a couple hundred feet down the street where a grove of trees was turning magnificent colors despite the early snow we had earlier in the week. And her husband, Paul, met us as we walked out the door having just come from coaching football practice. It was fall break for Paul, a high school teacher, and he had spent the earlier part of his day hanging out with their son, Cy. And Cy was so excited to see his Daddy that he didn’t understand when Paul had to head inside to change for pictures. But soon enough the trio and I headed down the street just as the sun was getting low on the horizon.
With lots of laughter, tickles, and exploring, we had such a fun time together taking portraits. And throwing leaves!
There’s never been a time that I’ve met up with this sweet family that they weren’t all smiles, their joy so evident. Their love for one another is so joy filled and sweet and I am honored to have the opportunity to capture it!
Laura and Paul, you two are so inspiring and uplifting in the ways you love each other, love others, and serve everyone you meet. We are so thankful for your friendship and the laughter you always bring with you! I pray that these images will forever remind you of this sweet and fleeting time of watching your little man grow. He is such a treasure!