Want to learn to take better pictures? I’m taking it back to my high school basics today on the blog! I’m touching on the elements of design and how that plays into my picture taking. Check out the link in my profile! #laurawolfgangphotography
Want to learn to take better pictures? I’m taking it back to my high school basics on the blog today! I’m touching on a few of the elements of design, those basic elements of the arts. Grab your camera and try to capture a few! Link in profile. #laurawolfgangphotography
Its been 2 years since my first official photo shoot as Laura Wolfgang Photography back in Virginia. Here’s a look back at a senior shoot I did in early spring, just as everything was blossoming and growing green. I guess that’s much like my growing business as I was just starting out. So much has changed in just 2 years, including moving across the country to gorgeous Colorado, having another baby, and meeting so many new and wonderful friends. I’m excited to see where the next two years take me! What were you doing 2 years ago? What’s the biggest change? I’d love to hear! #laurawolfgangphotography
Well after about 4 years of almost continual use, our first set of cloth diapers has decided not to absorb any longer. So today in the mail we got a set of six fresh NEW diapers! Who knew you could get so excited about diapers?! My favorite is the Austen diaper, the patterned floral one, which is themed after Jane Austen. Its so perfect for my little Addie Jane! BumGenius has been my favorite brand so it was no contest deciding on new ones. Here’s to another 4 years of use! #bumgenius #laurawolfgangphotography
Life as a Momma of three is so perfectly crazy, messy, and wonderful. How thankful I am I get to love on these munchkins. Even when I reach the end of the day praising God that my kids go to bed earlier than I do and the couch is calling my name, I still wouldn’t pick life any differently. These kids are teaching me more about myself and the Lord on a daily basis. Here’s a new Tuesday Tidbits with weekly highlights on the blog today. Link in profile. #laurawolfgangphotography
So excited to be getting a gallery up of my family photos from this past fall and winter. I’m learning to value having physical prints of our pictures all the more as we watch our kids grow and change. Building a heritage and cherishing memories! #laurawolfgangphotography
A sneak peek from a session this weekend at Roxborough Park. These two were so much fun with their darling little girl. Excited to share the rest soon! #laurawolfgangphotography