
The Gabriel Family | Parker Fall Family Pictures

October 25, 2019

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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fall family pictures in Colorado with puppy

Yesterday I had posted and shared from my sweet friend and entrepreneur, Michele. And today I’m sharing another sweet friend who is just killing it as an entrepreneur and as a momma to two sweet boys. Not to mention, a wife to a police officer! My friend Dawn is the owner of Authentic Connections Counseling Center here in Castle Rock. I’ve had the privilege of getting to know her first through our MOPS program at our local church where I’ve learned so much from her presentations to us mommas! I remember learning all about self-care and mom guilt, especially. Which is so, so needed for moms trying to be the best moms we can be, but never able to be a perfect mom.

I so admire Dawn and the way she can manage running her counseling center, being present both for her family and for her friends, and be such a constant source of encouragement. I love that I got to capture her family a year a half ago in the spring blooms, and Dawn told me this was the first time they’ve had family pictures taken in the Fall! And we had another beautiful afternoon filled with sunshine, sparkly Fall leaves, and their adorable puppy, Tuna! Goodness, wait til you see him!

Enjoy some of my favorites from their session – their cuddles, their sweet puppy, and even wrestling with Dad. Definitely one of my favorites!


fall family pictures Colorado with puppy

fall family pictures Colorado with puppy

fall family pictures Colorado with puppy

fall family pictures Colorado with puppy

fall family pictures Colorado with puppy

fall family pictures Colorado with puppy

fall family pictures Colorado with puppy

fall family pictures Colorado with puppy

fall family pictures Colorado with puppy

fall family pictures Colorado with brothers

fall family pictures Colorado with brothers

fall family pictures Colorado with brothers

fall family pictures Colorado playing with Dad

fall family pictures Colorado with brothers

fall family pictures Colorado with puppy

fall family pictures Colorado with brothers

sparkly leaves couples picture

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