Tuesday Tidbits

Colorado Family Photographer | Tuesday Tidbits Kindie Graduation

May 28, 2019

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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Its been a long time since I’ve done one of my Tuesday Tidbits – my place to share some of the goings on of our lives around here! We’re wrapping up May which means we’ve also officially finished up our first year of homeschool. And it means our not-so-little-anymore Evan has graduated from Kindergarten! I took him out in our backyard to capture some “graduation” pictures (and told him we’d save them for his own graduation party in 2031!). I can’t believe how big and grown up he’s looking, and I’ve been so amazed at how much he’s learned this past year. He’s just soaked up so much and is reading and writing with enthusiasm and it makes my teacher heart so glad and proud!

With summer feeling like its finally here (last week was definitely a little depressing when we suddenly got about 8 inches of snow out of no where!) we’re making our summer wish lists around here. Evan’s so far reads: “Throw a football with Daddy, play outside, and go in the pool.” I just love its simplicity, and it reminded me we don’t have to be crazy busy to have a fun, memorable summer.

I got back from a Mom/daughter/daughter-in-law trip to Magnolia in Waco, TX this last week! It was a much needed reprieve from being a mother of four as I got a few days away (though still with my little Connor baby). I”ll share more from my little adventure soon!

In the mean time, here are some pictures of our Evan officially a first grader! And Andy and Adeline couldn’t keep themselves from wanting to be in some, too! Happy Summer, friends!!

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