
Tuesday Tidbits | Fun Announcement, Kindergarten, and Fall

August 14, 2018

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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Happy Tuesday, Friends! I keep losing track of where we are on the calendar, so its hard for me to believe that we’re already half way through August! This summer has been busy and sometimes even a bit of a blur! We found out at the beginning of the summer that we’re expecting our fourth little munchkin. We’re so excited for this new little one that is on his/her way. This summer has been a rough one with morning sickness, and I was so, so happy that when I reached 13 weeks the morning sickness started to pass and I felt like a normal person again. I honestly can’t tell if the morning sickness was that much worse this time around or if its just because I was already chasing after 3 kiddos.

Our kids are excited to meet their new little sibling come January. It just melts my heart when Evan comes to give me a hug and tells me how excited he is for me to have a new baby. He’s grown up so much this last year and he’s starting Kindergarten next week! And we’re starting a whole new adventure together because we’ll be homeschooling! I have my lesson plans all prepped, school supplies bought, and we even got the boys new lunch boxes (they were so excited to pick out) for Evan’s enrichment days. Its altogether exciting and nerve racking as we step into new routines and expectations. Pulling out a lesson planning book definitely makes me feel like I’m a teacher again!

And so as we dive into this school year, I keep thinking about Fall and Christmas. I’m so excited for all that Fall brings and the sweet memories I know we’ll make. I’m not quite ready to say goodbye to summer yet, though! What ways do you find to soak up those last summer days and nights? And what are you most looking forward to this fall? I’m so excited for pumpkin bread, homemade applesauce, and fall smelling candles to light up!

Here’s our attempt at a pregnancy announcement! I literally had this idea for months and couldn’t get around to just taking it. So done is better than perfect!

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  1. Stephanie says:

    Love, love, love! We are so excited, too. You will do so well at homeschooling and Evan will develop a new appreciation for you as his teacher. We’ll be praying for your new adventures. 🙂

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