
Winter Park Moms Weekend Away | Tuesday Tidbits

May 9, 2018

I’m Laura.
I started this blog for you! Filled with inspiration, education to better prepare you for your next appearance in front of the camera, and sprinkles of the story of my own life. 
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I haven’t had a Tuesday Tidbits post in so long its high time to catch up!

This past weekend I got to go on an adventure into the mountains with a group of friends from my MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers). We rented a cabin out near Winter Park, CO and stayed a couple of nights just enjoying each others company and some time away from our kiddos. It was such a nice break from the ordinary routine of everyday. The best part was being able to stay up late if we wanted and sleep in as long as we’d like! My body clock had me wide awake at 6:00 am, though, so much for sleeping in! But I didn’t have any kiddos in my face demanding their breakfast when I woke up!

On our Saturday we ventured out to the beautiful mountain town of Grand Lake, CO. Its the middle of what they call “mud season” there – in between the winter activities months and the warm tourism of the summer. So many of the cute little stores and restaurants were closed, but we still managed a fun walk complete with a delicious pizza lunch and ice cream stop!

Here are just a few shots from our time together!

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